Welcome to Dorr Elementary School

Dorr Elementary School Mission Statement

Welcome back to the Dorr Beehive, where our "bees" are the heart of our community! While many things may change daily, our unwavering excitement to educate the students of the Dorr Community remains constant. It is their smiling faces and enthusiasm for learning that inspire us every day.

Our dedicated team, including Mrs. Hadsell, Ms. Kaiser, our wonderful secretaries, and myself, are here to answer your questions and assist with your needs. Class lists, including teacher names and classroom numbers, are posted on the front doors of Dorr Elementary. We eagerly await the return of our Grade 1-3 students.

To support your children’s social-emotional well-being, we have Ms. Kalo, our school counselor. Additionally, Renewed Minds, an agency that works at Dorr, is available to support students’ mental health. Please reach out if we can provide any assistance.

We’re also proud to have a wonderful Dorr Parents’ Club that supports our school through friend-raising and fund-raising. Join their facebook group to stay connected and up to date on campus activities. We look forward to your participation!

We are excited to partner with you this year in supporting your child’s education. Thank you for allowing us to "bee" a part of this educational journey. We take great pride in the entire Dorr family - students, parents, faculty, and staff - for their outstanding academic achievements. Our commitment is to be exceptional - without exception!

For information on School Messenger, the district's Instant Alert System, please click here. To stay connected to the Dorr Parent Club, please click here. To Stay connected with our district campus activities, news, and campus photos, please click here.

Staff Members